Welcome to the History and Information section of DRGW.Net! The information presented here is maintained purely as an online historical reference for railfans, modellers, historians, and anyone with even a casual interest in the Denver & Rio Grande Western to learn more about how, where, and why it operated. Eventually you'll find scanned versions of employee and passenger timetables; diesel, steam, and freight car rosters; information on routes, towns, and industries served by the Rio Grande; the construction and operating history of the railroad; and much, much more. It's a perpetual work in progress, and new information and sections are added as time permits. Please be sure to take a glance at the disclaimer for copyright, trademark, and other information.
Your Help Needed
Do you think the digitization of Rio Grande history is an important part of preserving the memory of the D&RG/D&RGW for future generations? So do I, and I think that every effort should be made to provide that information in a free, on demand setting where anyone interested in the Rio Grande can have instant access to this archive of material. That's why I created this website. However, my personal collection of material (and my budget for acquiring such things), as well as my time to scan and post documents, is somewhat limited. If you're willing to scan original D&RG/RGW/D&RGW/DNW&P/D&SL items from your own collection, or even make photocopies of the items and have me scan them, I'd certainly be glad to add your contributions and I'll be sure to credit your contribution so everybody knows what a magnanimous person you are... I can't do it alone - all of you out there put together have far more material and knowledge than I ever well. Please consider contributing scans of material you have that might be of interest if you find this website useful.
It's coming... soon, even, I promise!
 Diesel Locomotives Beginning with the first diesel switchers the Grande bought in 1941 and covering the most modern power through its latest owners, we cover the entire Rio Grande diesel roster from start to present. |  Steam Locomotives The narrow and standard gauge steam locomotives of the D&RG, D&SL, D&RGW, RGW, and other predecessors from the beginning to the diesel revolution. |  Rolling Stock Coming Soon! The narrow and standard gauge passenger and freight car rosters throughout history. |
Summaries of Equipment Issued by the railroad, these summarize all the classes of equipment in operation as of January 1 of each year. | | |
While this is still woefully incomplete, I'm working on getting a framework set up that contains the basic information about every D&RG/D&RGW main and branch line. I've tentatively divided them between narrow and standard gauge, but in some cases the distinction is somewhat arbitrary based on where I felt the history fit better.
 Employee Timetables Employee Timetables govern the day-to-day operation of the railroad, giving information about stations, mileposts, speed limits, equipment restrictions, and more. |  Passenger Timetables Passenger Timetables were made available to the travelling public and include station stops, train schedules, routes, and connections. |  Track Charts Maps and charts showing the exact location, grade, and curvature of many of the Rio Grande's lines. |
 Miscellaneous Paper Everything scanned that doesn't fit elsewhere, including train orders, operator's manuals, official rosters, and more. | | |